The two Jackies show their nervousness after a big thunderstorm. Yes, this Adoga has a couple of Indonesian myna birds, one of which is threatening to soil the keyboards even as we "speak." Problem is, only one of the birds is friendly enough to be a good pet, so it looks like in a couple of weeks the larger and more unfriendly bird will be returned to his original owner in Pingtung. Hand-raised, these birds are faithful to their "parents." I've seen them follow my friend around as he worked in his yard outside his house. He whistles to call them when they stray, and they return like well-trained dogs. He gave me these two "brothers," both of whom are named Jackie.
Unfortunately, the Jackies are terribly aggressive to my other home-roaming pets, and today's attack upon my sparrow (rescued from a certain death as a hatchling kicked out of the nest) and bulbul (a trade from the bird breeder who couldn't keep my ailing baby dove alive) was especially violent, and perhaps the last straw. I've locked the more aggressive (the larger) bird in the cage outside, while the smaller Jackie flies around. The video and photo below are of the sparrow two months ago. She's still rather small, but she's doing well. I have gendered her as female, but all the signs are that she's a he. Still, I feminize all my birds. And yes, while every bird has her own cage, the sparrow and bulbul (best of friends) are allowed free roam of the house. I do a good sweep-and-mop every morning and evening.
Unfortunately, the Jackies are terribly aggressive to my other home-roaming pets, and today's attack upon my sparrow (rescued from a certain death as a hatchling kicked out of the nest) and bulbul (a trade from the bird breeder who couldn't keep my ailing baby dove alive) was especially violent, and perhaps the last straw. I've locked the more aggressive (the larger) bird in the cage outside, while the smaller Jackie flies around. The video and photo below are of the sparrow two months ago. She's still rather small, but she's doing well. I have gendered her as female, but all the signs are that she's a he. Still, I feminize all my birds. And yes, while every bird has her own cage, the sparrow and bulbul (best of friends) are allowed free roam of the house. I do a good sweep-and-mop every morning and evening.